Friday, March 28, 2014

Mission-Minded Family (Teach Them Diligently Blog)

     I recently had the privilege of attending the Teach Them Diligently Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.  While I was there, God transformed my heart.  I was able to let go of old habits, throw away old fears, break old strongholds and bust old standards. 

     Nearly the entire time we were there, Holy Spirit worked on us, challenged us, transformed us, enlightened us and changed us.  From the way I teach history to the way I cook dinner, every aspect of homeschooling and homemaking was challenged.  God opened doors, closets and treasure chests for us and we are so grateful and overwhelmed by His goodness and His plan for our family that we’ve almost been unable to communicate it. 

     In an effort to share a little of what God taught me, I want to share a few notes, quotes and scribbles that my Father wrote on my heart.  I’ll share from one speaker or theme at a time, so make sure you read them all!

Mission-Minded Families

Goal:  Grow a heart for the nations at home. 

The Great Commission is in every Gospel, as well as the Book of Acts. 
Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:47-48, John 20:21
Acts 1:8 “YOU shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem…and to the uttermost parts of the earth.”
Jerusalem AND the uttermost parts of the earth, not THEN.  Don’t wait until you’ve shared the Gospel with every person in your city to move to the next.  You can share the Gospel with your neighbor, the homeless downtown, the cashier at the grocery store, and an unreached group in a jungle near the equator all in the same month. 

“You can only export what you grow at home.”
Be diligent about building the Kingdom at your kitchen table. 

“Peter left his nets on the most prosperous day of his life.” 
Don’t let blessings (“I have a really good job right now”) be the reason you don’t go. 

Read the Book of Acts.
Acts:  Church in ACTION.
Be aggressive in expanding the Kingdom of God!

Don’t mistake “MISSIONS” for “AMERICANIZING” or “WESTERNIZING” the world. 
We are called to change culture, but not for changing’s sake.
Don’t just change the culture.  REDEEM IT.
Help humanity extract the bad and magnify the good for the GLORY of GOD. 

The righteous are bold as a lion. 
Like Gideon, it’s time to bust our clay pots and SHINE.
Preach.  Speak.  Shout.  Sing.  Publish.  Advance. 

“God’s mission is for YOUR family to expand HIS family.”

“You can only export what you grow at home.”

     Be intentional about growing hearts that care.  Talk about orphans at home.  Read books about missionaries and unreached people groups.  Take up offerings for projects.  Help a family in the community.  Sponsor an orphan.  Support a missionary overseas.  Open your home to missionaries at home.  “We have full closets and kids with empty hearts.” 

~Jon and Ann Dunagan, Harvest Ministry

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