"A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value...
She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness."
Okay, Ladies! Many of you have asked for more ways to spend less when it comes to laundry expenses. I'm going to share my favorite tricks, recipes and tips for your reading pleasure. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section and I will answer them quickly!
First things first, if you haven't read the "Homemade Laundry Detergent" blog, you'll definitely want to check that one out, first! It can be found at this link: I want to make 10 gallons of laundry detergent for $2.50!
Now that we are confident that we'll always have high quality, inexpensive laundry detergent, we can move on to other aspects of practicing laundry frugality!
Airing My Clean Laundry...
Always sort your laundry. (Who am I kidding? I'm terrible at sorting laundry!) Seriously, though, the first tip to saving a bundle on laundry expenses is to make sure you don't RUIN expensive clothing. So, in light of that fact, YOU (not me) should ALWAYS sort your laundry. You should also ALWAYS double check your clothes before throwing them into the wash. Be diligent about pre-treating stains. And today is your lucky day because I'm going to share with you 2 very good "Homemade Laundry Pre-treater" recipes. :D
Laundry Pre-treater SPRAY
1/2 tsp dishwashing liquid
1 cup Homemade Laundry Detergent
I cup Greased Lightening (Found at Dollar General)
1 Tbsp Washing Soda
1 Tbsp Borax
Mix in an empty spray bottle and spritz stains before washing
Laundry Pre-treater SOAK
1/4 cup Washing Soda
1/4 cup Borax
1 Tbsp dish liquid
**1/2 cup lemon juice (for dingy whites or light colors)
Mix with water in a large pot on the stove, warm but do not boil. Remove from heat. Soak stained items 4 hours or more. Don't throw it away. The mixture will stay good for days.
After you're certain you've managed your stained or dingy items, wash your items with your Homemade Laundry Detergent. I also add a Laundry Booster to my wash. And today is definitely your lucky day because it just so happens to be "Share Your Laundry Booster Recipe With a Friend Day!" Your Laundry Booster will keep colors bright, whites white and keep your washer super clean and fresh! Now, aren't you glad we're friends?
Laundry Booster
1 cup of super cheap color-safe bleach
1 cup of super cheap 'oxy-clean' type powder
1 cup of super cheap baking soda
Mix in an old container and add 1/8 cup for a front loader, a little more for a top loader machine. (The little plastic scoop that comes with the super cheap 'oxy-clean' type powder works great for this. Use half a scoop for front loaders, a full scoop for top loaders.)
Now that we're sure our laundry will be clean, let's make sure they're going to be soft, too! In order to ensure that my family is always wearing super soft clothes (even off the line), I use a fantastically cheap Homemade Fabric Softener. Now, before you get worried, let me assure you; It's illegal to charge someone for a Fabric Softener recipe on the 1st of July in all 50 states. Aren't you relieved?
Homemade Fabric Softener
1 cup White Vinegar
1 cup of your favorite scent of hair conditioner
2 cups water
Mix in an old fabric softener bottle and use as you would liquid Downy. If you line dry your clothes, increase vinegar to 1.5 cups in above recipe.
I see you shaking your head. Just relax, okay? Would I really let you walk around smelling like vinegar? Of course not! The vinegar rinses completely away, leaving soft, fresh and deodorized fabric. It also cleans your washing machine and prevents sweat stains in your sweetie's clothes. And before you think I'm going to make you give up those wonderful smells you pay $4 a bottle for, get this: I'm still going to show you how to STRETCH your favorite liquid fabric softener (mine is Suavitel), still get the benefit of all those great smells, and save your money, too! Just because I'm feeling benevolent, I'm going to give you (for free) my Fabric Refresher Spritzing Spray recipe! Can you believe it?
Fabric Refresher Spritzing Spray
1 capful of your favorite liquid fabric softener
4 cups of water
Mix in an old spray bottle and use to spritz your clothes as you hang them on the line (I won't tempt you by telling you that I'm saving a TON of money by doing this.) A clothes line isn't for you? No worries. Simply spray your Spritzer into the dryer 4 or 5 times before you turn it on.
See? Slashing your laundry costs can be SUPER EASY and SUPER FUN. One thing it won't be is disappointing!
So, I'm issuing a challenge. Call up a friend and invite her to switch to homemade cheapies for a month. See if you don't save a load! :D And after you get good at making your own, consider sharing your gifts with a young mom or an elderly neighbor. After all, we're in this TOGETHER!
May you reap what you soap. heh heh. Sending love!