Friday, December 31, 2010

Eve is Bursting with Anticipation...

Eve:(1) the first woman; mother of the human race, fashioned by God from the rib of Adam, from the Hebrew word meaning life;(2)the day before a holiday, church festival, or any date or event: Christmas Eve; (3) the period preceding or leading up to any event; (4) archaic word for evening.

So, God fashioned Eve...
We light a candle on Christmas Eve...
On the Eve of His execution...
We'll share a meal this eve...

Eve is a word pregnant with life and expectation.  It stirs our hearts and forces us to look to tomorrow.  It whispers of promise and potential.  Eve dances in the stillness of the ordinary while painting pictures of beautiful tomorrows.  She beckons us from our nap and calls us to life.  Can you feel it?  Do you hear it? That excitement that tomorrow just might be different, that hope that what shames us can be left behind, the promise that the eve is preparing to relent and give way to the morning's mercies- these are the emotions of Eve.   We're on the eve of something brand new...

Or not.

You see, if tomorrow isn't any different than yesterday, eve was only a meaningless cliche.  But, if we allow God to renew our minds and make radically different choices in response to our love for Him, this eve can become a landmark in our lives.  This eve can be the day we decided once and for all that strongholds would be broken.  This eve can be the day that marks our great relent- the day we finally let go of that idol and made an intentional choice for our Creator.  This eve can forever signify the end of a generational curse and the beginning of Life.  This eve can be the last evening of our brokenness that carries us into the first morning of our life, but only if we're intentional in making this year Holy or set apart for the Lord.  

Tell me, friends, what do you plan to do to set this year apart for the Glory of God?

How will this Eve mark your life?


  1. The potential in this EVE is what is making me excited, but I am more excited for the REALITY...the sometimes laborious birthing...that is going to happen to make that potential into a living, breathing change in my life!

    I am going to set the first quarter of the year apart to read the Bible start to finish. I am going to manage my time instead of be managed by it. I am going to live with intentional purpose instead of passively. I am going to invest time, my money, my energies, my talents. I will invest in the lives of my husband and children before doing anything else, as that is what God has given me the blessing to do. YAY for 2011...can't wait!

  2. I am hoping that this eve will be the last eve of my not so close personal relationship with our Heavenly Father! I have been trying to figure out for a while now a way for myself to get motivated enough to actually have more of a persoanl relationship with God! For the past few weeks, I have felt a huge tugging on my heart strings and thanks to you and Lisa, this is going to be an incredible life changing/altering journey for me and my family. I feel that this entire challenge will change me in a way so different than the person that I have been in the past, and I am SO EXCITED!!!!!

  3. This eve will mark my life as living a life fully intended on being fruitful to God's kingdom.

    Wonderful post! I am subscribing to stay connected. Thank you!


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